Funded by the European Union
On 8-10 April in Amman (Jordan) and within the framework of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) risk mitigation Initiative, the Middle East Centre of Excellence carried out a training on radiological detection.
The training, attended by experts from Lebanon and Jordan, was led by the Middle East Scientific Institute for Security (MESIS) which is the institution hosting the Middle East CoE Secretariat.
The training took place at the Radiation Detection Training Centre, located within the Royal Scientific Society. The facility is co-funded by the European Commission, Canada, Jordan and the United States.
An additional training session on radiological and nuclear detection, which will involve experts from Iraq, will take place by the end of April.
Furthermore, a training on biosecurity and biosafety will be carried out during the next weeks at the Princess Haya Biotechnology Centre in Irbid, Jordan. The training will involve officers from Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan and will be delivered by local experts.
The training sessions are part of a Schools of Excellence Programme and respond to the needs expressed by partner countries in the Regional Action Plan of the Middle East. The training represents a fundamental achievement by partner countries in terms of enhanced cooperation, expertise and security of the infrastructures. These accomplishments contributes to strengthen the capacity of the Region to tackle CBRN threats.
The EU CBRN CoE Risk Mitigation Initiative involves 61 countries in 8 regions of the world, is funded by the European Union and is jointly implemented by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). The initiative has been developed with the technical support of relevant international and regional organizations, the EU Member States and other stakeholders, through coherent and effective cooperation at the national, regional and international level. The EU CBRN CoE Risk Mitigation Initiative aims at strengthening regional security and safety by sharing good practices and capabilities, by developing guidelines, by identifying and deploying resources to respond to the needs identified by partner countries and by supporting the development of national CBRN policies.
For more information:
CBRN Centres of Excellence website:
European Commission, Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace website:
UNICRI CBRN Risk Mitigation and Security Governance Programme: