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New UNICRI specialized courses on crimes against the environment and cyber crimes

Turin -

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) is organizing two new courses on emerging threats towards states and citizens with the aim of promoting an in-depth knowledge of specific issues such as cyber crimes and crimes against the environment. The courses are tailored to journalists and chief information officers, as well as those who want to specialize in this area, offering a unique opportunity to network with renowned international experts.

The human progress has created unprecedented opportunities with potential to either be wisely used or improperly exploited. While nobody can deny the benefits deriving from technological advances, economic growth and globalization, we also have to acknowledge that our interconnected world is more fragile than ever. Knowledge of the extent and implications of the emerging risks deriving from the interconnectivity and environmental threats are crucial to recalibrate strategies and interventions. A clear, objective and reliable journalism and sharing of information play a crucial role. In this respect UNICRI courses aims to strengthen capabilities and facilitate dialogue between different sectors.

The specialized course on cyber threats will be held from 27 to 29 November 2014 and will focus on the evolution and vulnerabilities of the digital society; cyber warfare; cyber terrorism and espionage; cyber threats to national critical infrastructures; crimes against property and persons; civil liberties vs national security interests to counter cyber threats and protecting sources and media infrastructures.

The course on crimes against the environment will take place from 12 to 13 December 2014. Key topics will include, inter alia, illicit trafficking and dumping of waste and hazardous material; illegal wildlife trade and forest crime; smuggling of ozone-depleting substances; green corruption; the role of organized crime organizations, militias and terrorists; ecocide; climate change and environmental justice.

The courses are held at the United Nations Campus in Turin. The lectures are delivered by experienced international journalists, leading scientists from nationally and internationally recognized academic and research institutions, as well as practitioners from international organizations at the forefront of emerging cyber security threats and crimes against the environment.

Application deadline is extended to the 10 November (23:00 CET).
For more information please contact: Tel.: (+39) 011 6537144