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UNODC and UNICRI launch a new project to address the Nexus between Terrorism and Organized Crime in Africa


The linkages between terrorism and organized crime pose a serious threat to international peace, security and development. There is increasing recognition that terrorists can benefit from organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, as criminal activities could be a means of financial or logistical support. Africa has been particularly vulnerable to these linkages, with terrorism and violent extremism financed by diverse forms of illicit activities, threatening peace and security, furthering conflict and fragility, and undermining development efforts.

These issues are particularly relevant in Northern and Western Africa, which are regions affected by both terrorism and organized crime and have recognized the need to address this nexus phenomenon. As such, addressing these challenges and threats is one of the key priorities identified in the recent 2023 Review of the UN Global Terrorism Strategy.

To support countries in responding to this threat, UNODC and UNICRI launched a new project in February 2023 on Strengthening Capacities to Address the Nexus between Terrorism and Organized Crime in Africa.

The project aims to analyze the nexus between terrorism and organized crime in Africa, increase awareness among criminal justice and law enforcement actors, provide technical and legislative assistance, and strengthen cooperation in Africa to effectively address the challenges posed by this nexus.



Scoping missions to identify national and regional challenges and build tailored strategies for assistance

Between March and May 2023, UNODC and UNICRI held scoping missions with key stakeholders and relevant agencies involved in countering organized crime and terrorism from Algeria, Benin, Mali and Togo. These fruitful discussions led to the elaboration of a detailed and tailored technical assistance plan for each country, according to their specific needs.

This project is funded by the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund (UNPDTF) – Secretary-General’s Peace and Security Sub-Fund.

This story is also available in Arabic

UNODC-UNICRI Nexus project – Website