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F3 - Freedom From Fear Magazine

Freedom From Fear Magazine (F3) is produced by UNICRI in cooperation with the Ghent University. F3 aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and awareness of the international community’s priority issues in the fields of justice, the prevention and control of crime, development, peace and security and, more broadly, the protection of human rights.


Freedom From Fear Magazine (F3) is produced by UNICRI in cooperation with the Ghent University. F3 aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and awareness of the international community’s priority issues in the fields of justice, the prevention and control of crime, development, peace and security and, more broadly, the protection of human rights.

The Magazine also supports knowledge and awareness of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and contributes to a better understanding of the achievements and challenges of the relevant Goals, in particular Goal 16.

F3 pursues the promotion of innovative dialogue by spreading awareness, creating consensus and a sense of shared responsibility regarding the problems that affect the global community.

The articles and opinions presented in F3 are the contributions of renowned experts from civil society, international organizations, governments, the academic realm and the media. F3 represents a permanent forum for international organizations, international civil servants and the public at large to compare the different approaches and points of view towards specific issues facing the world today. It facilitates the discussion of good practices, failures, and effective and enduring solutions.

As a forum for long-term change, F3 endeavours to promote democratic values and civil stability, and to aid the international community in developing actions towards greater peace, justice and security for all members of social, civil and political society.

Extremism: No Victory in Violence - Issue 18
The Past, the Present, and the Future Are in Our Hands - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Risk Mitigation - Issue 17
The Day We Discovered our Fragility - Issue 16


Planning Resiliency, Shaping the Future - Issue 15


Justice is Not a Construct - Issue 14  
No Place for Young People - Issue 13 
The Abyss of Civilization - Issue 12
Not in Our Name - Issue 11
Walking in No-Man's Land - Issue 10
Destabilization - Issue 9
Youths Without Youth - Issue 8
Cybercrimes: Looking for Safer Spaces? - Issue 7
Planning the Environment? - Issue 6
Twenty Years Without the Berlin Wall - Issue 5
How Many Can Fit Here? Corruption: One's Man Gain is Everyone's loss - Issue 4
Pirates of the XXI Century on the Treasure Hunt  - Issue 3
Security: Innovative Thinking - Issue 2
Illicit Traffic: The Invisible Hand - Issue 1

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