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The example of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU CBRN CoE)


On the occasion of the  International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction  we have collected some testimonies from our partners in the implementation of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU CBRN CoE). These interventions highlight the importance of international, regional and national cooperation in disaster risk reduction. Funded by the European Union and implemented with the support of UNICRI, the EU CBRN CoE Initiative has been joined by 62 partner countries, with whom we have established a fruitful cooperation in the field of CBRN risk mitigation.

CBRN risks know no boundaries, which makes cooperation critical. COVID-19 has reminded us of this fact in the sphere of biological risks in a devastating way. Similarly, the tragic explosion in Lebanon in August 2020, brought chemical risks to the global forefront. We can easily imagine the destructive effects of nuclear security issues, such as the illicit trafficking of radiological and nuclear materials.

The EU CBRN Centres of Excellence are designed to facilitate international cooperation and identify and address the needs of the Partner Countries. Partner Countries are the owners of the initiative. The CBRN Centers of Excellence concretely contributes to disasters risk reduction, and it prevents CBRN risks by promoting good governance, a culture of safety and security, cooperation, and the transfer of best practices. We learn together and we become more effective together to achieve our ambitious goal of promoting safe, secure, peaceful, resilient and inclusive societies for sustainable development.


Mr. Daniel Cetoupe, Department of Risk and Disaster Management Seychelles - National Focal Point for the EU CBRN CoE Initiative


Dr A. Kader Touré, Cabinet du Premier Ministre; Secrétaire Exécutif de la Plateforme de Réduction des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes Côte d'Ivoire; Point Focal National de la Stratégie Internationale de Prévention des Catastrophes des Nations Unies; Point Focal National des CdE-NRBC de l'Union Européenne 


Interview with Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan

You are at the forefront of disaster risk reduction; we would be honored to hear about the  work with a focus on the Covid19 pandemic in your country, in particular its impact on the vulnerable groups

The comprehensive and good risk governance is pre-requisite to ensure integrated and multi sectorial action on identification and assessment of needs and risks of vulnerable groups.

As the right and strategic comprehensive approach to prevent any kind of disaster is essential the directions of the actions to be implemented should be followed up by this approach. In this regard, Azerbaijan adopted the robust strategy to minimize the impact of the Covid19 pandemic on the population by adhering to the people-centered approach and inclusiveness.

For Azerbaijan, one of the main priorities of the inclusive approach is to develop innovative methods and practical tools to reduce the risks of the most vulnerable people and to address the vulnerabilities of persons and communities who are the most impacted groups in times of biological disasters.

In order to improve the resilience and preparedness of vulnerable groups of people with disabilities; migrants, displaced persons and children during the pandemic, the appropriate measures such as provision of rehabilitation and social services to persons with disabilities at their homes, providing the persons with disabilities with training and equipment in cooperation with UNDP to start their small businesses have been taken.

The electronic provision of services such as extension of temporary staying, permission for temporary and permanent residence, work permission, consultations through 24 hours call centre, “Online guide”, and mobile application of “MIGAZ” and electronic acceptance of applications for refugee status for migrants have been put in place.  The activities on identifying the most vulnerable segments of the IDP community which seeks social assistance, launching the project “Virtual reception” by the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs which enables displaced persons to interact with the State Committee’s officials in online interactive format, awareness-raising activities among the displaced population on how to protect communities against COVID-19 have been implemented. For the purpose of addressing the socio-economic impact of COVID-19, women and children centered programs and activities such as provision of online psychological assistance to women, children and aged persons by Child and Family Support Centres and through “Online Psychological Assistance” project, awareness raising campaign to combat gender-based violence in the context of COVID-19 crisis have been realized.


What do you think is needed to enhance international cooperation to promote disaster preparedness for effective response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction? In your opinion what is the added value of the EU CBRN CoE Centres of Excellence Initiative in contributing to disaster risk reduction? 

The joint global efforts, initiatives and solidarity are the key factors for fostering international cooperation in the field of disaster prevention and preparedness in a long term perspective. The common goals of mutual interests and the voluntary approach and commitments without detriment to the compliance of binding international policies can contribute strengthening the partnership in a global level.

Therein, as a global platform for collaboration, the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU CBRN CoE) plays a significant role to unify the joint efforts and also, capabilities and expertise of partner countries to address the needs in the field of CBRN risk mitigation and support the countries for overcoming the challenges. The significant role of the EU CBRN CoE Centres of Excellence Initiative to contribute the national efforts and initiatives of the countries in the field of reduction of risks of biological hazards should be emphasized and from this point of view, the webinars dedicated to address the different aspects of Covid-19 response for the purpose of sharing best practices and exchange of knowledge have been useful.


The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was started in 1989, after a call by the United Nations General Assembly for a day to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. Held every 13 October, the day celebrates how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of reining in the risks that they face.

UNDRR (formerly UNISDR) is the United Nations focal point for disaster risk reduction. UNDRR oversees the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, supporting countries in its implementation, monitoring and sharing what works in reducing existing risk and preventing the creation of new risk. 
