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On 24 October, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, Turin (Italy) has joined the initiative Europe Turns UN Blue and will be among the European cities that will illuminate iconic landmarks in blue, the official colour of the United Nations. The initiative is a symbolic effort to unite people globally; promote the universal language of peace, sustainable development and human rights; spread hope in these uncertain times and highlight support for the aims and ideals of the United Nations.

To celebrate this anniversary, world leaders acknowledge that: “There is no other global organization with the legitimacy, convening power and normative impact of the United Nations. No other global organization gives hope to so many people and can deliver the future we want. The urgency for all countries to be united and to fulfil the promise of the UN is greater than ever.”

Today, when no country is spared by the pandemic, the UN is supporting Member States to address emergencies, promote equality in the access to medical treatments, request a global ceasefire and reaffirm the principle that no one should be left behind.

In Turin, thanks to the Municipality, the bridges Vittorio of Gran Madre, Umberto of Corso Vittorio, Isabella of Corso Dante and Balbis of Corso Bramante will light up in blue to send a message of unity and hope that crosses all borders: we are all in this together, and we will overcome the situation if we are united.

Turin is host to one of the main worldwide training hubs. For more than 50 years, the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO), the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) share the UN Campus in Turin to promote dialogue, knowledge and skills development to face global challenges. Over half a century, millions of people from all around the world have met here in Turin to share experiences and build a common path towards a better future.

The Mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, comments on the initiative: "We are happy and proud to celebrate the United Nations Day by illuminating in blue some of our most symbolic places. In particular, the four historic bridges over the Po. For a very long time, Turin is home to important UN entities and other international organizations such as the ILO (since 1964). We are a strategic city for the United Nations, thanks to the presence of UNICRI and Staff College, but also to regional organizations such as the European Training Foundation. These organizations are playing a crucial role in term of training and hospitality in the most authentic European spirit. We decided to open up to the world and we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations acknowledging that only through the communion of intents and objectives we can overcome this difficult global situation.”

Antonia Marie De Meo, Director of UNICRI says: “With strong support from the Government of Italy, UNICRI is proud to contribute to global efforts for sustainable development: to enhance resilience, provide justice for all, and promote peaceful, safe, and inclusive communities.  During this pandemic, UNICRI is meeting increasing training needs through adaptable online modalities and is mitigating efforts of criminal groups to take advantage of the pandemic.” 

In the words of Jafar Javan, Director of the United Nations Staff College: “UNSSC has played an integral role in advancing learning and training to create a more sustainable, just and equitable world.  We look forward to continuing playing this role in the future, especially during this time of COVID19. We stand together with Turin, and we stand together with the world.” 

Now more than ever, embracing the mission and values of the UN is fundamental. On the occasion of the 75th Anniversary, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, sends a message to the world: “The seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations falls in the middle of a global pandemic.  Our founding mission is more critical than ever.  To promote human dignity.  Protect human rights.  Respect international law.  And save humanity from war. When the pandemic hit, I called for a global ceasefire.  

In our world today, we have one common enemy:  COVID‑19.  Now is the time for a stepped‑up push for peace to achieve a global ceasefire.  The clock is ticking… The Sustainable Development Goals give us an inspiring blueprint for recovering better… We face colossal challenges.  With global solidarity and cooperation, we can overcome them. That’s what the United Nations is all about. 

On this anniversary, I ask people everywhere to join together. The United Nations not only stands with you; the United Nations belongs to you and is you – ‘we the peoples’.  Together, let us uphold the enduring values of the United Nations Charter… Let us realize our shared vision of a better world for all.”

The bridges of Turin will symbolically bring people together and remind us that only if we are united, we will overcome the challenges we are facing.

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