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Web 3.0


The newly coined term "Web 3.0" is currently trending on the media entities' platforms and among engineers, politicians, and journalists. Web 3.0 represents a novel phase of the evolution of the Internet where interactions are indelibly recorded on public blockchains and based on a cryptocurrency-bought token-based economy. The first generation of the Internet, Web 1.0, was solely based on a read-only format where organizations posted information. Web 2.0 added additional layers by making it possible for users to interact and produce content. Web 3.0 could signify a paradigm shift in Internet usage worldwide by putting decentralization, openness, and greater user satisfaction at the forefront.

The Future Series

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), through its Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, joins the trending conversation by organizing an online Webinar titled: "Web 3.0 – Evolving into a New World?", as part of its Futures Series – a series of virtual discussions focused on exploring the possibilities, challenges, and pitfalls of the latest technological trends and developments. The event scheduled for 23 March 2022, 16:00 – 16:45 CET, will be hosted and moderated by Mr. Irakli Beridze, Head of UNICRI' 's Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, and will feature Ms. Tammy Yang, Founder and CEO of Numbers, Mr. Phil Chen, Founding Partner at Race Capital, and Ms. HQ Han Ecosystem Growth at Protocol Labs.

“Web 3.0 – Evolving into a New World?” Webinar

The current Internet, Web 2.0, is a centralized system monetized through large organizations. It is foreseen that Web 3.0 will alter Web 2.0 by making it decentralized and giving full ownership of the network to the users rather than corporations, creating a privatized system for all individuals. Web 3.0 is touted by advocates, as giving every user full ownership of their data and digital assets, increasing peer-to-peer connectivity and ubiquity by creating a more accessible manner of interacting. It also favours the increased use of 3D graphics and artificial intelligence to enable a more innovative version of the Internet that vastly improves user interaction.

On the other hand, sceptics argued that Web 3.0 is just a buzzword and have criticized the amplification of drawbacks. Some also argue that Web 3.0 will lead to a less efficient version of the current Internet, even more, prone to illegal activity and – despite claims of decentralization – with power still concentrated within a group of the ultra-wealthy able to purchase the most tokens.

While there are clear benefits to Web 3.0, the following questions deem to arise with the transformation: Are we ready for Web 3.0 when we are in many ways still struggling with Web 2.0 and all the growing pains in terms of privacy, content moderation issues, cybercrime, online hate, and cyberbullying? If Web 3.0 is inevitable, what will happen in terms of the existing systems and practices in place? And lastly, what opportunities and risks will Web 3.0 bring us in the post-Covid era? These and other issues will be addressed during the public Webinar organized by UNICRI.

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For more information, please contact: Ms Rozemarijn Victoria Jens: