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participants at the event



Instructors from Moldovan and Ukrainian security and law enforcement agencies gathered in Chisinau, Moldova from 22 to 25 April for the 2nd Train-the-Trainers (TTT) course, aimed at strengthening their capabilities in countering the trafficking of radiological and nuclear (RN) materials.

Organized within the framework of Phase II of the CONTACT – Black Sea project, the four-day training session provided 16 participants with an opportunity to review training materials and engage in hands-on activities focused on intelligence operations to intercept RN trafficking attempts.

The TTT course is an important step forward in enhancing the capabilities of participating countries to address the threat of RN trafficking by equipping instructors with advanced skills. The ultimate goal of the training is to integrate counter-RN trafficking education into the curriculum of national security and law enforcement agencies. UNICRI will continue to support instructors from Moldova and Ukraine in this endeavor, facilitating the integration of the CONTACT training curriculum into existing programmes.

The collaboration demonstrated during this session underscores a shared commitment to regional security. Moldova and Ukraine are taking proactive steps to enhance their preparedness and resilience against the threat of radiological and nuclear trafficking.