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Criminal Law Defence Seminar


The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), in collaboration with the International Criminal Court Office of Public Counsel for the Defence (ICC-OPCD), announces the twelfth International Criminal Law Defence Seminar. Set to take place at the United Nations Campus in Turin, Italy, from March 25 to March 28, 2024, this seminar offers a focused learning opportunity for legal professionals.

Unlocking expertise in International Criminal Defense

Tailored for practicing and trainee lawyers, this four-day seminar, provides a practical and unique understanding of defense strategies, ethics, and skills applicable in the realm of international criminal law. Led by Ms. Marie O'Leary, Counsel, ICC-OPCD, and Mr. Michael Herz, Legal Officer, ICC-OPCD, the seminar covers key aspects of international criminal defense, including:

  • Basic principles of International Criminal Law
  • Punishable conducts and modes of liability
  • Introduction to the ICC Rules of Procedure and Evidence
  • Introduction and overview of International Criminal Defence
  • Defence Counsel qualifications and training - setting up a defence team
  • Lawyer-client relationship Defence investigations and strategies
  • Sources of case law
  • How to structure and present legal arguments
  • Direct and cross-examination by the Defence
  • Execution phase

An opportunity for professional growth

Open to practicing and trainee lawyers interested in international criminal law, the seminar is a gateway to enhancing your professional capabilities. To apply, please submit your application by March 3, 2024.

For further details please visit the relevant page for comprehensive information about the seminar and the application process.