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Workshop Project 73


On 31 January 2022, the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN) has launched the first session of the Online Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection and Risk Assessment for Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. The Workshop is one of the activities of Project 73 of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU CBRN CoE).

Project 73 focuses on the CBRN Protection of Critical Infrastructure in the Middle East Region and aims to enhance CBRN protection of specific critical physical and virtual assets in the Region.

The Workshop is structured in 7 modules, delivered in four virtual sessions (31 Jan-1 February; 7-8 February 2022). The modules are addressing the following topics:

  1. Critical infrastructures protection: risk and impact analysis
  2. Introduction to CBRN and relevant real cases
  3. (Nuclear) Physical security
  4. Insider threat
  5. Cyber threat awareness (with a focus on social engineering)
  6. Critical infrastructures protection: insight into cyber security
  7. Introduction to Intelligence: Open-Source Intelligence

Experts from different entities working on issues related to CBRN risk mitigation and security governance and architecture, such as, among others, SCK-CEN, Hermes Bay and Trustforce are sharing their knowledge and expertise in an interactive way, giving the opportunity to participants from the Middle East countries to present the current situation on critical infrastructure protection in their respective contexts, by highlighting points of strength, challenges and needs. Such information will serve to build content and objectives for further capacity building initiatives to be carried out in the Middle East partner countries.


About the EU Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative

The EU Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative is funded and implemented by the European Union through the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) – Global Europe.

The aim of the Initiative is to support its 62 Partner Countries and regions in strengthening CBRN risk mitigation and an all-hazards security governance, following a voluntary and demand-driven approach, and under the responsibility of CBRN National Focal Points and their inter-ministerial CBRN National Teams

The Initiative is led by the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), in close coordination with the European External Action Service (EEAS). The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides technical support to Partner Countries, while UNICRI ensures a coherent and effective national, regional and international cooperation. Other relevant international and/or regional organisations and experts also contribute to the Initiative, which represents the EU’s largest civilian external security programme.