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Call for Expression of Interest: Capacity-Building Workshop for NGOs on Integration of a Gender Perspective into Violent Extremism Prevention


Capacity-Building Workshop for representatives of

Civil Society Organizations

on the Integration of a Gender Perspective into Initiatives to Prevent Violent Extremism


In late 2022, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) – supported by the generous contribution of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) – launched a two-year project aimed at building gender-sensitive resilience to violent extremism in Mali, Mauritania and Niger.

During the first phase of the project, UNICRI initiated a data collection effort in the three target countries to define guiding principles for the design of future P/CVE interventions based on a sound analysis of gender roles and power relations. Based on the collected data, in November 2023, UNICRI released the publication Voices of Resilience: A Gender Needs Analysis on Preventing Violent Extremism in the Sahel.

During the second phase of this initiative, UNICRI aims to build the capacity of key stakeholders to develop a P/CVE approach that fully considers and addresses the gender dynamics of violent radicalisation and recruitment in the region.


Capacity-Building of Civil Society Organisations

In this context, on 20-21-22 May 2024, UNICRI will deliver a capacity-building workshop to 25 civil society representatives in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

The objectives of the workshop are to

  • Increase awareness of existing international commitments and frameworks on women, peace and security and gender-responsive interventions on preventing violent extremism among civil society actors working on gender equality and P/CVE; and
  • Strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations to incorporate gender perspectives into programming and to implement P/CVE initiatives that reflect sound gender analysis and address gender-based discrimination.
Selection of Participants

Civil society representatives will be selected through this open Call for Expression of Interest.

Due to limited slots, participants will be subjected to a selection process that will consider the relevance of their application, their experience as actors of change, and the motivation and interest demonstrated. To the extent possible, the selection committee will balance age, gender, and diversity of backgrounds among selected participants.


Eligibility and Evaluation of Applicants

This Call for Expression of Interest is addressed to representatives of not-for-profit organisations – civil society organisations, women and youth-led organisations.

To be eligible to participate in the workshop, applicants must

  • Currently be employed at a relevant non-profit organisation (CSOs including NGOs, CBOs) registered under the relevant Laws of Mauritania and working in the area of gender equality, prevention of gender-based violence, prevention of violent extremism, conflict prevention and mitigation.

Applicants will be evaluated based on their

  • Experience and engagement with one or more of the topics of the workshop (gender equality, gender-based violence, prevention of violent extremism, conflict prevention and mitigation, community resilience);
  • Background in acting as change makers in their communities;
  • Motivation and commitment to further engage on the topics and the ability to consult with and reach a broad group of audiences or networks.

Documents to be submitted

Applicants will be required to submit all of the following documents:

  1. Fully completed Application form (template provided)
  2. Passport or National ID of applicant
  3. Official registration of relevant CSO
  4. Proof of applicant’s employment at the relevant CSO
  5. A letter signed by the legal representative of the relevant CSO confirming the applicant will act as the designated representative of that organisation (template provided)

Further instructions

  • Applications must be completed in English or French.
  • Hand-written applications will not be accepted.
  • Due care must be taken to complete the application form. Any error or major discrepancy related to the application form (e.g. not submitting all required documents) may lead to rejection of the application.
  • Applications should be sent by e-mail. Applications sent by any other means (e.g. by fax or by mail) or delivered to other addresses will not be considered.
  • All required documents, including the Application form, should be sent as attachments in the same email.
  • The completed application form must be submitted in Word.
  • Only one representative from each organization can attend the workshop.

How to send the application

Applications must be submitted by email to alice.roberti(at), marked “Application to Workshop Gender and PVE - name of organisation” in the subject.

After reviewing the applications received, UNICRI will contact selected applicants with an invitation to participate in the workshop and will provide more details about the event.

Reimbursement of expenses

The cost of participants' travels and applicable daily subsistence allowance in Nouakchott will be covered by UNICRI as per United Nations rules and regulations. More details will be provided to selected applicants.  After selection, participants will be required to provide a bank statement to facilitate the reimbursement of expenses.

Deadline for submission of applications

The deadline for the submission of concept notes is Sunday, 7th April 2024, h. 23.59 (UTC +1), as evidenced by the date of receipt of the submission email. Any application submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

For more detailed information and to access the necessary documents to submit your application, please consult the following documents:

Call for expression of interest

Application form 

Letter legal representative