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Data Protection in the Police Sector: Train-the-Trainer Session Equips Moldovan Law Enforcement with Key Knowledge and Skills


The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), in close collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Republic of Moldova, conducted a comprehensive in-person training from April 15 to April 19, 2024, focused on using a holistic approach to data protection principles and operational practices.

Held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Chisinau, this training aimed to enhance the capabilities of Moldovan law enforcement officers in data protection practices, covering essential topics  aligned with the EU legislation. The sessions covered a wide array of topics crucial for effective data protection, encompassing legislative as well as practices, including security and human rights safeguards. The training built on the knowledge gained during a study visit organized by UNICRI on March 13-14  2024, for a delegation of five members of MIA, Moldova, at the Office of Personal Data Protection Officer, MIA, Romania.

Participants to the training included heads of units and senior officers working in various capacities such as legal affairs, security, information technology, and human resources. They represented key departments within several organizations including the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Border Police, General Police Inspectorate, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, General Inspectorate of Carabinieri, Internal Protection and Anti-Corruption Service, General Inspectorate for Migration, and Stefan cel Mare Academy.

The training session encompassed a mix of theoretical lectures, highly interactive group discussions, and practical exercises. They covered critical areas of data protection, including: core principles such as confidentiality, integrity and availability, EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Law Enforcement Directive (LED) legislation. Practical applications and tools for ensuring data protection compliance, data collection, storage, processing and protection, role and responsibilities of data protection officers, cross-border data transfers and international cooperation, case studies and best practices, and safeguards for protection and respect of human rights.

The participants provided positive feedback, welcoming UNICRI’s work in Moldova in this area and underlining the need for continuous training in thefield of data protection. They  highlighted the importance of the UNICRI – MIA partnership  and expressed appreciation for this excellent collaboration. .

UNICRI remains committed to its partnership with Moldova’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in March 2023 between the Director of UNICRI and Moldova’s Minister of Internal Affairs. To date, the implementation of this MoU has enbled  UNICRI to conduct research in Moldova on regional security, illicit drug trafficking, and explosives for civil uses. Additionally, it has facilitated capacity bulding activities on cybersecurity, critical infrastructure planning, bomb alert cases, disinformation and online drug trafficking.