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Illicit Financial Flows and Asset Recovery in the Republic of Moldova. New Report in Romanian. September 2021
Report on Illicit Financial Flows and Asset Recovery in the Republic of Moldova - RO.pdf

Organised crime produces significant amounts of illicit revenue and proceeds globally and in Europe. This report is part of the series of action oriented research on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) and Asset Recovery that the European Union and UNICRI are launching to shed light on the significant damage being caused to States as a result of unchecked IFFs, and on the significant value of prioritising the capture of illicitly-obtained assets linked to such IFFs. Organised criminal activity in Moldova largely reflects and aligns with regional patterns involving the scope, nature, and impact of such activity.

This report, now available in Romanian, includes recommendations on how to improve mechanisms for the effective and efficient seizure and confiscation of assets linked to criminal activity and how to enhance the transparent management of the recovered assets and successfully direct them to high-priority development needs, such as those within the education, healthcare and infrastructure sectors.

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